Thursday 16 February 2017

F3 Trips

Dear Parents,


Next week the children will be very busy at school.  Please read the following and if you have any questions please speak to your class teacher.


Tuesday 21st February – Zoo Trip

The event will be fully supervised by EYFS teachers and TA’s.  The children will be going leaving school by bus at 8:15am.  Please arrive at school promptly at 7:55am so that we can register the children and leave on time.  The children will need to wear their school uniform on this day with their hat and sensible shoes for walking.  Can they please also bring a named water bottle in their bag.  We will be taking a packed lunch from the canteen to have at a picnic style lunch at the zoo before travelling back at 1:15pm. 


Wednesday 22nd February – BVIS Superhero Boot Camp

The event will be fully supervised by EYFS teachers and TA’s.  We will be leaving TX at 8:15 am and return by 11.30 am.  Please see below for further information about the event:


  • All children should arrive at school at 7.55 am and go straight to the classrooms to register.  If your child arrives late and the buses have gone, you will need to make your own way to BVIS.


  • Children can dress as a superhero or in their school uniform.  Please can the children wear a named hat and bring a named water bottle. It is a superhero themed event so please be creative and think of your own costumes is you do not already have one.  Look at the pictures below for idea.


  • Snack will be provided at BVIS.
    Image result for homemade childrens superhero costumes










The children are all very excited for their busy week.  We will be putting photographs of the fun that they have on the blog.


Have a lovely weekend

Ms Hayley and Mr John

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