Friday 30 September 2016

Book characters parade

Snuggle up and Read

Today we had so much fun in Clould T. We wore our cosy pyjamas and year 5 children joined us to read books. We also drank chocolate milk and ate marshmallow.

Thursday 22 September 2016

Weekly Update!

Well F3 have had a very busy week!  It all started with Mr John's bike breaking and the children becoming mechanics to put it back together again.  Look out for Ms Chau's slide show of the children hard at work.


F3 have started their phonic lessons.  This week both F3T and F3X have learnt the sounds 'a' 's' and 'm'.  In phonics the children learn the letter sounds and not the letter names for letters because this helps them when it comes to reading and writing.  If you are unsure how to pronounce the sounds properly then try to down load the 'sound mat' from as a useful tool for you and your children to learn all of the sounds.

When teaching phonics and early writing your children will learn to write lower case letters.  If you are doing any writing at home please encourage the children to write lower case letters and not capital letters.  They can write a capital letter for the first letter of their name but the rest of the alphabet can wait until later in the year.

Brilliant Books

On Monday please dress your child as their favourite book character! We will be joining years 1-6 in a costume parade at 8:45am.  You are invited to watch the parade that will take place in the school hall.

On Friday the children will take part in 'snuggle up and read'.  This is when the F3 classes join another class for a hot chocolate and marshmallow treat to share books.  On Friday please put a set of Pyjamas in your child's school bag for them to wear at this time.

Busy Books

Today in the classroom the children shared what they have been doing at home in their busy books.  Thank you to those of you who have encourage their children to do some activities at home.  There is now a new list of suggested activities stuck in the children's busy books.

And lastly...

Thank you to all of you who have been adding observations of your children at home to your child's tapestry account.  It is lovely to see what they get up to outside of school.

Have a lovely weekend
The F3 Team

Tuesday 13 September 2016

Updates and Reminders

Parents Evening

Thank you all for parents that attending parents evening last night.  We enjoyed talking to you about how your child has settled in to life in F3.  We are look forward to meeting with the rest of you throughout this week.  Please remember if you ever have any questions, concerns or celebrations you can share them with us at any time by speaking to the teachers at the end of the day or by e-mail.

Moon Festival

Tomorrow (Thursday 15th September) is our EYFS Moon Festival celebration.  Please can you dress your child in an Ao Dai and if you can, join us in the foyer at 8:15am for some festival fun!

Tapestry Coffee Morning 

Next Wednesday is our first EYFS coffee morning of the year.   Please join us in the MPR at 8am to learn about how to access and use your child's individual online learning journal.

Thank you for your continued support
The F3 team

Wednesday 7 September 2016

EYFS Moon Festival Celebration

You are invited to come and join your children in celebrating this years Moon Festival through taking part in lots of lovely activities.  Our fabulous Teaching Assistants have been busy preparing many crafts and games for you and the children to enjoy.  There will also be a chance for you to take a photo of your child and their new class.  We hope to see you there! 

Monday 5 September 2016

Dates for your diary!

Parents Evening
Tuesday 13th, Wednesday 14th and Thursday 15th September
There are now sign up sheets outside your classroom for you to book a meeting with your child's class teacher.  This meeting will be an opportunity for you to hear how your child has settled into F3 and ask any questions that you may have.

Image result for clipart parents evening

Tapestry Coffee Morning
Wednesday 21st September 8:00am in the MPR
Come and join the EYFS teachers as they talk you through how to log on to your child's tapestry account and follow their learning journey at school.  You will be able to see what your child has been doing at school and will be shown how you can contribute to their online journals. 
Image result for tapestry eyfs

If you have any questions about these events please to not hesitate to speak to either Mr John or Ms Hayley.  We are happy to help!

Thursday 1 September 2016

First F3 Swimming lesson in the BIG POOL!

Wow!  Today the F3's had their first F3 swimming lesson in the big pool and they were incredible! Mr Ali could not believe that they had so much confidence in the water and Ms Emma was so impressed that she told Mr Ian to come down and see the children in the pool.
A big well done to all of the children! 
Here are some pictures of them playing in the water at the end of their lesson.