Friday 5 May 2017

F3 Ice-cream shop

After the F3 children delivered a fantastic assembly today they were treated to a real ice-cream from the classroom role-play area.

Wednesday 19 April 2017


The children are learning about time and were challenged to see what they could do within the time limit of one minute. They raced to see how many times they could write their name, draw shapes and much more.

Thursday 30 March 2017

Science Day

Easter Reading Challenge

Next term in F3 there will be a big focus on reading.  As we have mentioned in previous coffee mornings reading is the most important thing that you can do with your child. It is proven that the more children read at home or are being read to, the more likely they are to achieve great academic success in the future. 

To start promoting the importance of read for both enjoyment and learning we would like to set you and your children an Easter break reading challenge.  Please take a photograph or photographs of your child reading over the holidays. This could be them reading a BB book to you or you both sharing a story at bed time.  It could be a photograph of them reading a sign, food packet or restaurant menu.  Maybe they can spot words that they can sound out and blend in a magazine or newspaper or e-mail.  Where ever they see words ask them to have a go at reading! Once you have taken these photographs your challenge is to then upload these photographs onto your child’s tapestry account.  During the first week that the children are back at school we will share these photos with the class and the children will be awarded a great number of house points for their efforts in reading.  If you have any trouble with your tapestry account please e-mail Ms Hayley and she will do her best to sort out any problems. 

 Image result for children reading magazineImage result for child reading label
Image result for child reading signsImage result for child extreme reading

Happy Reading! 

Thursday 16 March 2017

F3's Class Assembly

Image result for school assembly clipart

On Friday 24th March F3 will be leading their first ever class assembly in front of the whole school!  We would like to invite you to come and watch them in the gym at 8:00am.  We will keep the topic of the assembly a surprise for you! 


We hope to see you there :-) 

Weekly Update

ARC - Animal Rescue Center 

This week in F3 the children had a visit from Ms Koto and Mr Oliver from the ARC.  The children loved hearing about the great work that the ARC do and how animals should be looked after.  Next Tuesday Ms Koto will be coming back to visit EYFS and this time she will be bringing a dog for the children to meet.  They will be learning how to interact with dogs safely and calmly.  Ms Koto will also be joined by Dr Nghia the vet and his cat to learn more about how to keep animals healthy.  Look out for the photos.

EAL Coffee Morning 

This Wednesday the EAL teachers lead a wonderful coffee morning on how your child is supported in school learning English as a second or third language. Ms Jane, Ms Michelle and Mr Luke offered some great advice for things you can do at home.  Please see the school news letter for the full presentation.


Image result for bookNow that the F3 children are doing so well in phonics Mr John and Ms Hayley will be setting them reading challenges to do at home.  This will start the first week back after the holidays so please look out for the e-mail explaining the new incentive and the learning of red and green words.

Have a great weekend!