Thursday 27 October 2016

Welcome Back!

F3 have all returned from their half term holidays full of excitement and stories of their adventures.  Thank you to all the parents who have uploaded pictures to your child's tapestry account sharing what you have been doing at home.  Your children have been enthusiastically talking about these pictures to their friends as we show them in news time.  

F3 Office! 
To start the new half term F3 have a new role play.  Introducing the F3 office!  

Over the coming weeks we will be sharing with the children more about what happens in an office and setting them challenges to complete when they are at work.  At home you could talk about what people do in an office.

This week the children were taught phonics in new groups! So far all group have been taught the following sounds...

'a' 's' 'm' 't' 'd' 'i' 'n'

The children have learnt to read and write these sounds and are now beginning to blend words made up of these letters. 

Please can we remind you that teaching starts promptly at 8:00am in F3 so it is of great importance for you to ensure that your child arrives at school on time.  We understand that sometimes an occasional late can not be avoided but continued late arrival will impact your child's phonics learning.

Messy Play 
Thank you to all of those who attended the Messy Play coffee morning.  As promised here is a copy of how to make playdough at home.  

Easy Playdough Recipe
2 cups plain flour
2 tablespoons vegetable oil
1/2 cup salt
2 tablespoons cream of tartar
1 1/2 cups hot water
Food colour

1.   Mix flour, salt, cream of tartar and oil in a    bowl.
2.      Add food colour to hot water and then to dry    ingredients.
3.    Knead until smooth.

More messy play ideas will be shared on the blog soon! 

Thank you all for your continued support. 
Have a lovely weekend

The F3 Team :-) 

Sunday 9 October 2016

Messy Play

You may often wonder why the children come home with a 'dirty' uniform!  Come along to our EYFS Messy Play coffee morning to find our more about the importance of messy play in your child's development and the learning opportunities that they gain from these experiences. 

Friday 7 October 2016

F3 Update!

This week the children have enjoyed learning more about transport and have even invented their own form of transport for the dragon!

All F3 children have now learnt the sounds 'm,a,s,d&t'.  This week we have been practising to hear these sounds in words and read simple words made of these sounds.

The children have been focusing on finding the number that is 1 more than a given number to 20.  They have been playing the game bus stop in the classroom where they are adding passengers to a bus and counting on 1 or 2 more.

Whats new?
This week a story telling shelf was introduced into our reading area.  Story telling is a very important skill for our children to develop and this shelf provided the F3's with puppets and props to make up their own stories or retell ones that they already know and love.  Telling stories helps to build the children's imagination and vocabulary.  Why not try making up stories with your children at home and recording it for their tapestry page?!

Please ensure your children wear the correct shoes to school, especially on PE days.  The children run around during this lesson as well as at play time which means crocs and sandals are not appropriate.

Star of the week 
Well done to Benjamin (F3X) and Minjae (F3T) for being this years first stars of the week.  This week the certificates go to....

My Ut  (F3X)
Alex (F3T)

We hope that they have a lovely weekend with our class mascots and that the rest of F3 enjoy their weekend with their family and friends.